1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. How to use
4. Tutorial
5. Input parameters in
6. Tips & FAQ
User’s Guide for TC++ ver.1.3
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User’s Guide for TC++ ver.1.3
1. Introduction
1.1. About this code
1.2. Supported Functionalities
1.3. Terms of use
1.4. Author & Contact
1.5. History
2. Installation
2.1. Download
2.2. Prerequisites
2.3. Building 1 (directly editing Makefile)
2.4. Building 2 (cmake)
2.5. Test
3. How to use
3.1. QE precalculation
3.2. Input files of TC++
3.3. How to run TC++
3.4. Output files of TC++
4. Tutorial
4.1. Bulk Silicon
4.2. Homogeneous Electron Gas
5. Input parameters in
5.1. Mandatory Keywords
5.2. Optional keywords
5.3. Examples of
6. Tips & FAQ
6.1. Tips
6.2. FAQ